Demographic Shifts: Exploring the Global Decline in Fertility Rates 

The global decline in fertility rates poses significant challenges for socio-economic structures, with Canada experiencing a notable decrease that mirrors this worldwide trend. This reduction in birth rates leads to an aging population, straining healthcare, pension systems, and altering workforce dynamics. In Canada, the fall in fertility rates necessitates a reevaluation of immigration policies to counterbalance demographic shifts and maintain economic growth. The decline also prompts concerns about the sustainability of social support systems, as a smaller working-age population may struggle to support an increasing number of retirees. Addressing these implications requires comprehensive policy planning and international cooperation to adapt to the changing demographic landscape.


Professor Don Kerr is a demographer who teaches at Kings University College at Western University. From 1992 - 2000 he worked in the Demography Division at Statistics Canada. With a PhD in Social Demography from Western University, Professor Kerr’s past research has focused on social demography, population estimates and projections, environmental demography, and the socioeconomic and political consequences of demographic change in Canada. His work has been published in leading journals such as the Canadian Studies in Population, the Canadian Review of Social Policy and the Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 


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