Canada and the Biden Administration: Justice Restored?

On January 20th, Joe Biden will be sworn is as the 46th President of the United States, bringing an end to a tumultuous four years under the Trump administration. Joe Biden was elected on the promise of a return to normalcy, and on the hope of a brighter future in a less divided America.

America's allies watched this election closely, especially its neighbour to the north. Prime Minister Trudeau was one of the first to congratulate Biden on his clinching of the presidency.

In this episode, we'll break down what the incoming Biden administration broadly means for Canada. Taking into account the events at the Capitol, and the general tone between the United States and Canada over the last four years, we'll speak to two experts about where things stand now, as well as where they're likely to go.

Savannah Boylan is Founder and Executive Director of For Democracy, an independent, nongovernmental organization working to strengthen democratic institutions and norms in the United States. Following more than ten years of experience researching, promoting, and coordinating with government and academic experts to promote democracy, Savannah founded For Democracy in 2019 with the vision to be the leading voice exploring emerging democratic legitimacy crises worldwide and their effects on multilateral cooperation.

Dr. Will Greaves is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Victoria. His research examines global security theory and politics with respect to climate change, resource extraction, and Indigenous peoples; Canadian foreign policy and Canada-US relations; and the politics of the circumpolar Arctic. Professor Greaves is the author of more than twenty peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and has co-edited two books: One Arctic: The Arctic Council and Circumpolar Governance and Breaking Through: Understanding Sovereignty and Security in the Circumpolar Arctic. His monograph on Arctic security and climate change is forthcoming from University of Toronto Press.

Produced by:

Gillian Monckton - Junior Producer

Elliott Simpson - Junior Producer

Thea Koper - Executive Producer


“Dance” - Tim Baker

“Close to Paradise” - Patrick Watson


The She-cession


Main Streets in the City